Homesteading with Minimal Waste

Previous Posts In this series:
#1 Homesteading to a high standard
#2 on time homesteading

Principle #3: Minimal Waste

God has given us many things, including relationships, time, money, and yes, our homesteads, (or gardens, or animals.) It can be very easy to squander these things where they aren’t helpful, and not put them to the use God intended for them. If we don’t waste what we have, we’ll have no regrets, and in the case of a homestead, we’ll save time, heartache, and resources.

Practical Tips

First, just a little hint: the principles are all intertwined. If you do all the principles, they are all easier. (The high standard kind of includes them all.)

That said, here are a few ideas for minimizing waste on your homestead:

    • In your garden and kitchen – actually eat the food! If you don’t eat what you grew or bought, it was a waste of your time and resources to grow or buy it. If you know when something needs to be eaten because you are on time, this is made easier. More on that here.
    • With your animals – use what you have for your animals before buying supplies. Feed your chickens as much scraps as possible, (minimizing kitchen wastage) then supplement with grain. In the event that something from the garden is inedible, you can feed it to the chickens, which doesn’t count as wasting it! (Although try to eat things yourself first.) Ruminants can eat grass, (wow!) so if you rotational graze them, you almost never need to buy them food!
    • With your infrastructure – don’t make the mistake of buying too cheap. Getting a good quality (think, high standard) product is worth the extra money, because you won’t have to fix or replace it as often.
    • Be creative! Use old material for something new! If you can’t think of anything, the internet always has good ideas as a last resort.

On Time Homesteading

See our first post in this series about Good stewardship Homesteading here

Principle #2: On Time

If we don’t do things on time, we can miss important opportunities God has for us. If we do, we will be more efficient and work won’t pile up. This is really helpful in doing things to a high standard as well.

Practical Tips

Doing things on time is pretty straight forward:

    • Make a schedule and stick to it
    • Check frost dates and optimal planting times for your garden (this is connected to doing things to a high standard, because plants grow healthy and beautiful in the right weather. This also helps with principle #3; stay tuned!)
    • Don’t procrastinate! Ruminants need new grass promptly, weeds grow so fast, and chickens scratch dust bathing holes in the ground with incredible speed. If you do things on time, the ruminants will have fresh grass, the weeds will be controlled, and the chickens won’t scratch as many holes in the yard before you move them.
This chicken has made a dust bathing hole in the ground
This chicken has made a dust bathing hole in the ground